Terms of Use


All content on this site, including but not limited to logos, designs, text, graphics, photographs, and files are my intellectual property. This page explains how content from my site may be used. If your particular intended use is not mentioned here or you are unsure about using any content from my site, please get in touch with me using the contact form.


If you would like to license an image from this site, please use the contact form to get in touch. 


Use on social media: You may use image(s) from my site on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc page as long as credit is paid and that the URL www.thepaintedleaf.co.uk is visible and appears with the image. Please use a hyperlink to my site whenever possible.

Use on a website: You can use image(s) from my site on your website if the following criteria are met.
- A hyperlink to www.thepaintedleaf.co.uk must be provided and appear with the image.
- Images may not be modified, coloured, animated, adapted, collaged, used as a graphic design element without my express permission.


- Under no circumstances may images be cropped to remove my signature.

- You may not publish, transmit, sell, create derivative works from, distribute, display, reproduce or exploit any of this site’s content for commercial use, without my consent.

-If you would like to enter into a commercial partnership to sell my products, please get in touch via the contact form.