Giving Back



I started The Painted Leaf in the middle of a global pandemic where lockdown afforded me more time to paint. Painting has been a refuge from the uncertainty of this ‘new normal’ that we find ourselves in; focusing on getting the exact shade of green for an Anthurium leaf helped me worry slightly less about the latest R number!

I realise I am very lucky to be able to do this at a time when many are struggling. In light of this, I want to give back by supporting charities that are doing incredible work. I will be donating a percentage of profits from all sales to a chosen charity. To see more details about the charity I am currently supporting, please click the link below.

Shelter provides advice, support, and legal services to people in England and Scotland struggling with bad housing or homelessness. They also campaign for change so that, one day, no one will need to turn to them for help.